Oxytocin: Courage + Connection

Oxytocin: Courage + Connection

The Lover. When we connect with ourselves or other people, oxytocin floods our brains to dim anxiety and pain, inspire trust, build empathy and activate openness. This is the neurochemical responsible for helping you build your relationships. It helps you recognize the faces of your family and friends, promotes bonding, incites feelings of love and resilience.
You can boost your oxytocin levels naturally by hugging someone, activating your touch receptors with different textures, self-massage, stroking a pet or doing something that exhilarates you.

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Oxytocin: Courage + Connection
  • NEW | 11 Min Bodyroll with Viva | Be Strong

    Come back into your body to feel every arc, curve and spiral as you bodyroll into bliss in this 11 minute oxytocin oozing practice with Viva.

    Music by Moblack Records & Music Bed:

    1. Dreams feat Eebee - Generdyn
    2. Bonga - Mona Ki Ngi Xica (Everything Counts Remix) [MoBlack Records]
    3. Rhythm S...

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Karine | Release

    This practice is to release the darkness inside of you. Karine will guide your breath and allow you to exhale some of the shadow within.

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Karine | Joy Snacking

    Have you heard of Joy Snacking? Karine will educate you all about how this practice can help you find joy in even the most mundane of things, because life is beautiful.

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Elliott | Deep Connection

    If you're stuck in your head, this DOSE is for you. Elliott is focused on reconnecting you to your body and energy so you can get your mind right. 

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Karine | Joy Snacking

    Have you heard of Joy Snacking? Karine will educate you all about how this practice can help you find joy in even the most mundane of things, because life is beautiful.

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Elliott | Reconnect

    Get out of your head and into your body. Sometimes overthinking can impede your energy. Let Elliott guide you back to yourself in this dance DOSE.

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Karine | Focus

    Today's practice is all about envisioning what you want for today — from your physical body, to your spiritual self, and your emotional core — let's reach those goals.

  • NEW | 6 Min Dance with Elliott | Love Yourself

    This morning is all about self love. Wake up and feel the strength and beauty of the body you're in. Thank yourself for all you do to take care of you, including this DOSE!

  • NEW | 6 Min Breathing with Karine | Win

    Welcome to Wake Up and Win. Today is all about lighting the fire within. Karine will guide your breathing so you can find the power already inside yourself.

  • NEW | 11 Min Fitness with Olivia | Heart

    Together we'll work all of the muscles surrounding our heart as we focus on compassion and love, both inward and outward.

  • NEW | 6 Min Audio DOSE with Elliott | Rise & Shine

    In this DOSE, Elliott will guide us as we get grounded and wake up every inch of ourselves before we start the day. It all starts with focusing on bringing consciousness into our bodies.

  • NEW | 11 Min Yoga with Karine | Recharge

    Become fearless. Today we'll work on our third chakra to help make us more bold and brave, and we'll use breath work to guide us to our own power.

  • NEW | 6 Min Audio DOSE with Radha | Devotion

    This practice is all about devotion. Devotion and love start with the way you think and feel about yourself. Look inward before you look outward.

  • NEW | 6 Min Audio DOSE with Elliott | Breathe IN

    Some days, it's harder than others to wake up. This DOSE with Elliott is perfect for "one of those" days. Let him guide you towards a brighter morning.

  • NEW | 22 Min Dance with Elliott | Trust | Oxytocin

    Dance into a state of bliss, serenity, and confidence. Unconsciously, you may be hesitant to give yourself an opportunity to trust yourself; to allow yourself the confidence to be yourself. It’s all most of us want; because, ultimately, we all recognize that when you trust yourself, you’ll know h...

  • NEW | 22 Min Dance with Elliott | Oxytocin

    Receive the courage to elevate your connections through a dose of dance. Follow MC Elliott to higher ground in under 22 minutes, to reveal the power of charging forward with music in the body.

  • NEW | 11 Min Meditation with Ally | Open your heart

    Find a comfortable seat and dive right into the heart. This 11 minute meditation will inspire and activate oxytocin, tickle your empathy and set you up to give and receive big love.

    Step into your daily joy practice.

    P.S. Citizen Scientists — Keep making history after your practice by adding yo...

  • NEW | 10 Min Chakra Opening with Radha | Openness

    Mama Radha will guide through clearing your 7 chakras and aligning your sense of belonging, creativity, discipline, self-love, and the power of your voice, intuition and purpose.

  • NEW | 22 Min Dance with Elliott | Courage | Oxytocin

    Move into a state of absolute abandon with our resident sultan of joy Elliott LaRue. Allow the power of the beats to lull you into a sense of confidence; to a point where courage is not even a question.

    Start off this Tuesday feeling exactly like yourself.

  • NEW | 22 Min Dance with Elliott | Oxytocin

    Receive the courage to elevate your connections through a dose of dance. Follow MC Elliott to higher ground, to reveal the power of charging forward with music in the body.

    Step into your daily joy practice.

    P.S. Citizen Scientists — Keep making history after your practice by adding your brain...

  • NEW | 11 Min Guided Dance with Griselle | Salsa | Oxytocin

    You ready to shake it? To get our Oxytocin flowing through our whole bodies, we’re doing this Salsa class. Join Griselle Ponce — one of the top female Latin dancers and choreographers in the world — for 11 minutes of guided dance, no experience required.

  • NEW | 22 min Yoga with Hawah | Oxytocin

    Settle into a loooooong and much needed Hug. Sometimes we need to turn our energy inward and take a moment and embrace ourselves. This class is a chance to wrap your limbs together into tender tentacles that are holding you up and supporting you. This offering is meant to cultivate receptivity, e...

  • NEW | 8 Min Japanese Calisthenics with Radha | Happiness

    Lubricate your spine and optimize your physical health with a joyful 8 minute Japanese Calisthenics practice that delivers a feel-good rush of oxytocin. Join Daybreaker Founder & Mama Radha as she guides you in this microdose through her favorite daily ritual—traditional Radio Taiso from her Japa...

  • NEW 12 min | The Joy of Suffering with Karine | YONA NIDRA

    In our final session of The Joy of Suffering with Karine, we discuss Yona Nidra, or the fear of change and death. As you can imagine, this is one of the most difficult practices. Karine suggests following along from your bed or the comfiest spot in your home.