Join Jasmyn for an open exploration of shame. Use the power of movement to discover, and ask, how can we transform? Give up what impedes you, and find the courage to witness your personal experience, and massage it into its next evolution.
Up Next in Serotonin: Gratitude + Kindness
33 Min Yoga with Ally | Gratitude | S...
Take this time to adjust emotionally and resource your energy through a low, slow, and deep practice. Soften your presence as you activate a serotonin bliss with yogi Ally Bogard + Daybreaker Mama Radha as you place emphasis on release and rest....
11 Min Accountability DOSE with Jasmy...
Employ the ancient tradition of Māori inquiry with a series of questions exploring a specific event. The dance of sunshine and rain continues to create space for harm repair and expansion of joy through this accountability practice.
Step into your daily joy practice.
P.S. Citizen Scientists —...
NEW | 11 Min Dance with Elliott | Kin...
Begin at the bottom and work your way up to the crown through this music-fueled exploration of self-kindness. Use the power of movement to unite body and mind for an expanded awareness and powerful serving of serotonin.
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