NEW | 22 Min Yoga with Sarrah | Serotonin
Today, we’re concluding our survivor series. Ending this today on a note of seeing the future, all of the beautiful things that lay in store. You’ve done it! You’ve survived. What are you going to do? Survive the rest of your life?
Up Next in Yoga
34 Min Yoga with Karine | Accepting F...
There's something marvelous about picking yourself up, from the low times or from a mistake. It is however painful to live through it. It's an act of suffering; too often we consider the wake of a disaster to result in a period of penance. That is however, not a guarantee that you have to. In tod...
25 Min Meditation with Sarrah | Hones...
We're opening up ourselves today; in the hopes that we'll find honesty. If there's anything you're struggling with now, something that you're convinced you can't manage, find the honest part of yourself to diagnose the problem.
Step into your daily joy practice.
P.S. Citizen Scientists — Keep...
45 Min Yoga with Karine | Trust | Oxy...