22 Min Meditation with Hawah | Serotonin
MicroDOSE 22
Pranayama is the science of breath control that increases and roots the harmonious flow of energy in the body. Where your thoughts travel so your breath goes and when your breath journeys so your thoughts and life transform. Explore a range of breathing techniques that ultimately will serve to deepen your experience of the world. Clear the mind, calm the body, and gain more mental focus and alertness through these powerful, ancient techniques passed down by sages for thousands of years.
Music by:
1. Karunesh - Oasis Moon
2. Carl Borden - GuidingLight
3. 2002 - The Tower of Minos
4. 2002 - Courting the Moon
Up Next in MicroDOSE 22
22 Min Gentle Flow + Stretch with Aly...
23 Min Dance with Elliott | Gratitude...
Melville said that 'we cannot live together for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with one another; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.' How true that is, and how true it is too that we often can't see the threads t...
NEW | 22 Min Dance with Elliott | Kin...
Use the power of beats to align and connect in the body as our kindness leader Elliott welcomes you home to your own powerful serotonin supply. Move into a higher state of joy, dance step by dance step.