33 Min Breathwork with Aine | Courage | Dopamine
Dopamine: Flow + Inspiration
Allow yourself to explore and excavate your edges to create a space to feel truth from your inner knowing. Find courage to lean into vulnerability as Aine guides you through a 33 minute dopamine rooted practice to soften and surrender yourself to your truest self. Invite the unknowing into the present moment to allow for deeper understanding to emerge. Leave this practice feeling grounded in yourself.
Featuring tracks exclusively from Myndstream.
1. 2002 - Healing Rain
2. Karunesh - Keeper of Mystery
3. Karunesh - Longing for the Unknown
4. Karunesh - Morning Celebration
5. 2002 - Overheard in a Dream
Step into your daily joy practice.
P.S. Citizen Scientists — Keep making history after your practice by adding your brain-body reflections to our study on the science of joy together with the Greater Good Science Center at reflect.daybreaker.com
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