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  • 13 Min DOSE with Radha | Courage | Oxytocin

    What masks are you wearing? Join Daybreaker Mama Radha as she challenges you learn how to facilitate community and relationships, even while your face is covered. This 13 minute microdose of gentle movement and self-expressive dance boosts your oxytocin by focusing on communication. Love through ...

  • 11 min DOSE with Viva | Femininity Play | Endorphins

    There’s a little feminine inside all of us—give yourself permission to cultivate all that is wise and wild with some endorphins-boosting movement play. Join Viva as she guides you to enliven your body through Functional Happiness exercises, chakra opening and juicy body rolls. Discover different ...

  • 11 Min DOSE with Radha | Cortisol-Busting Flow | Dopamine

    Break up with cortisol and deprogram stress addiction as you reframe what physical fitness means. Join Daybreaker Founder Radha to move with intention and joy through an 11 minute, dopamine-boosting microdose of Functional Happiness movements and self-expressive dance. Reframe your understanding ...

  • 11 Min DOSE with Viva | Awe | Endorphins

    Our girl Viva is back in the Matrix to take your senses on an adventure. Feel the beat drop in and tap into your awareness practice as you stimulate all your senses with an 11 min microdose endorphins supercharge. This one is spicy and gets you feeling Big Friday Energy.

    Featuring select tracks ...

  • 11 Min DOSE with Radha | Inspiration | Dopamine

    It’s a New Year—what are you calling in? Join Daybreaker Founder Radha for a two song dance party to find your roots, shake out the gunk and welcome new goals, dreams and opportunities for 2021. Allow your breathlessness to remind you of your life with this high-energy dopamine boost. 11 minutes ...

  • 22 Min DOSE with Radha | Flow | Dopamine

    Burn through anxiety, stress and anger by opening your focus and expanding your perspective. Join Daybreaker Founder Radha to get a dopamine hit with a 22 minute journey of breathwork, calisthenics, chakra-opening, Functional Happiness movements and self-expressive dance. Invite breath into your...

  • 11 Min DOSE with Viva | Play | Endorphins

    Take time to delight your body. Get your heart rate glowing and feel the rush of movement and dance with this 11 minute endorphins rev up led by Viva. Access pleasure from your own natural supply and ride the euphoric wave with a fusion of Functional Happiness exercises, chakra opening and self-e...